Laidlaw's Harley-Davidson Blog

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Friday, February 13, 2009

A Valentine's Thought

As Valentine’s approaches I think about sharing especially with our loved ones. I’ve been lucky and just reached 25 years of marriage with my wife Beckie. Though we come from disparate backgrounds and to most we are two very completely different people, we actually are politically, spiritually, and otherworldly like the line in Forrest Gump, peas and carrots. However, when it comes to motorcycling we are different.

She wants to ride, a scooter, but I worry about her inexperience. I ride typically to and from work which doesn’t give us much time together bike riding and I worry about the length of a ride because she’s had back surgery. I do want to share the enjoyment of riding that I have, even commuting, and we have on rare occasion—the last being a cruise up the Baja coast on a rental from Cabo San Lucas avoiding cows and goats and tipping the bike over on a Lucy-like maneuver at a gas station.

I enjoy watching couples ride to the store either separately on their own bikes or together on one. And even though the activity conjures up the vision of the lone rider, all of us who ride do share the commonality of enjoying the ride. I enjoy looking at the pictures of the SGVHOG chapter on their rides together seeing the Labans, the Engles, and other couples having a good time. I would enjoy the pictures more if it involved me, friends of mine that ride, and my wife—it’s up to me to make the effort.

As one once said, “There is no delight in owning anything unshared.” So with Valentines approaching, I promise to share and enjoy the ride more with my wife over the course of our next 25 years together.
Richard – GM

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